North Dakota little brown bats have a broad distribution in North America and are the most common bats in North Dakota. North Dakota bat species is about 3 1/2 inches long with a 10 inch wingspan, a glossy brown back, and a grayish-brown belly. It weighs about 1/4 of a North Dakota ounce.
North Dakota residents look for the return of little brown bats to North Dakota occurs in late April to May. They are North Dakota hibernators and seek out suitable underground areas in the fall which will remain above freezing throughout the winter. North Dakota lacks a significant amount of this type of habitat and, therefore, bats will move southward into areas such as the Black Hills of South Dakota during September or October each year.
After returning to North Dakota in the spring, North Dakota females bearing young gather in maternity colonies within buildings, hollow trees, rock crevices, or similar warm areas. Since North Dakota bats are insect eaters, these colonies are usually found near a body of water where ample food will be found after insects hatch. North Dakota Males and non-fertilized females will be located singly and roost in stacks of lumber, behind shutters, under shingles or loose bark of trees, in rock outcroppings, or the eaves of buildings.
Each pregnant North Dakota female has been bred in the fall or winter and has stored spermatozoa until she emerges in the spring. At this time, North Dakota fertilization takes place. The gestation period is about three months, upon which time a single North Dakota young is born. The young bat grows quickly and can fly in about three North Dakota weeks.
North Dakota Bats begin foraging for food after sunset. It is believed many follow a set flight pattern night after North Dakota night. They fly 10-20 feet above ground in open areas and among trees searching for North Dakota flying insects. Their flight is guided by echo North Dakota location which is thought to be one of the most sophisticated systems ever developed. Knowing this, it is a rare North Dakota occasion when a bat ever strikes any object, including a person. Bats may eat hundreds of North Dakota insects each night and flights of up to 50 miles have been recorded.
During the day, North Dakota bats spend considerable time within their warm, moist roosts grooming themselves. North Dakota Bats have been known to have rabies but only ten people in all the United States and Canada have developed rabies from bats in the past four decades. More people die each year from North Dakota dog attacks.