New Mexico Weight: Myotis velifer
New Mexico Wingspan: Cave Bat
New Mexico Distribution: Southern Kansas and western Oklahoma, the southwestern United States, Mexico, and into Central America.
New Mexico Ecology and Behavior: New Mexico bats occurs in colonies of 2,000-5,000 individuals throughout much of its New Mexico range. New Mexico Habitats vary from desert floodplains and rocky canyon lands to the cave country from central New Mexico to south central New Mexico. In summer the New Mexico species congregates in caves, mines, and less often in buildings. Most New Mexico bats are in populations in that migrate from Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas which appears to be perĀ¬manent New Mexico residents that hibernate in caves during winter. New Mexico bat flights are stronger, more direct, and with less flutter than most other bats of the genus. These New Mexico bats begin emerging from the daytime roost well before dark, fill their stomachs within about 0.5 hour of foraging, and retire to some shelter such as a New Mexico building, cave, or mine for a night resting period. There is no clearly defined second New Mexico foraging period in early morning as in some other species. New Mexico predators include snakes, hawks, owls, and raccoons.
New Mexico Food Habits: Like many insectivorous bats, this New Mexico species is opportunistic in feeding habits, with diets that fluctuate by season and habitat. Common New Mexico food items are small moths and beetles.
New Mexico Reproduction: After a gestation of 60-70 days, one New Mexico baby is born in late June or early July. During New Mexico parturition (about 20 minutes), the baby is caught in the mother’s folded tail membrane, and then it crawls to a nipple and begins to nurse. New Mexico bat life span may be 10-12 years.